Sunday, June 23, 2013

Psalm 127:3

Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.

Do you remember a gift that you received for Christmas or a birthday that you were not expecting? Have you ever been rewarded with a title or reward at a school banquet that you did not expect to receive? The spark in your heart that bursts and the feeling of fulfillment builds up inside of your soul that you did not know you had, could have...or wanted. It's amazing. That feeling itself is a gift. An unexpected gift.

I want children. Lots of them. Five or six to be exact. It has always been a dream of mine. A dream placed in my heart by the Father himself ever since I could breathe. I was meant to be a mother. I know it, I feel it. And by the grace of God, in His timing, I will one day hold my own seed from my own womb, in my arms...and love. 

My heart burst. I have been fulfilled.

Who would have thought that I would have that chance to love today? Right now, everyday of my life. To love without the pain of childbirth. To love someone that does not have my own blood flowing through their veins or my DNA linking every part of their physical and emotional attributes together. I love them. My children. My precious angels. They are mine. To teach, to form into intelligent and godly individuals so they can bless this crazy unbalanced world. I have been rewarded, gifted with such an amazing heritage from the Lord that I was not expecting. 

Continue to have your way, Lord. I accept every unexpected gift.