Wednesday, January 7, 2015


When I get into a reminiscing mood, I tend to look for everything. From old yearbooks that are gathering dust on the shelf in my room, to past embarrassing statuses from Facebook of me venting...I go ALL the way back. During one of my reminiscing adventures, I ran across this here blog. I couldn't believe the amount of substance that was on this blog. Every post made me go back to that time in my life and reflect on what God was teaching me then, and how it pertains to me now. So much substance. So many lessons learned. I missed it. So, I guess I'm back for now. 

Update, shall we?

God has done incredible things since some of these posts. I am currently in my last semester of college, which means that I am completing my last round of student teaching. Hallelujah! Graduation is right around the corner and I am ready. These past four and a half years have been enjoyable, but Lord, have they been long. 

I'm still working at the daycare and it's crazy to think that I am going on my second year there. It feels like I've been there forever and a day. I am currently planning field trips and activities for this year's summer camp, and I am thrilled, yet terrified. I am basically the lead teacher in school age this year, which brings on a great amount of challenges and responsibilities. I take that back...terrified is an understatement. Everything is up to me. I plan the field trips, special guests, and daily activities. I am in charge of writing the weekly blog. It's no longer Ms. Carmen. It's all me. I have been working so hard to get up to this point, and now it's finally here. I know that I am capable, because I'm called, but a calling still doesn't stop it from being nerve-wrecking. We'll see how it goes. *fingers crossed and prayers up*

Well...that's pretty much all the eventful stuff that's going on in my life at the moment. I'm sure it will get even more eventful as this year carries out. I'm believing for great things this year. There's something about this year that's different than the others. I feel it. 

- Joya